Saturday, December 15, 2018


1st  will receive 10 BTC and 1,000,000 IDAX
2-10 will receive 1 BTC and 100,000 IDAX tokens each
11-100 will receive 0.1 BTC and 10,000 IDAX tokens each
101-7,000 will receive 1,000 IDAX tokens each
7,001-10,000 will receive 100 IDAX tokens each

Please read carefully the rules and terms for the contest:
  1. Your email must be verified. Check the verification email we send to all participants.
  2. Referrals must be also verified, unique and coming from a single IP. No duplicate entries/IPs allowed.
  3. Contest is valid until the official launch of the platform. Estimated Q1'19 (February/March'19)
  4. Once Interdax opens in beta, the prizes will be credited to your Interdax account.
  5. In order to withdraw you’ll need complete trades (closed trades) valued 25x of the amount credited.
  6. If you finish in top 10, a representative of Interdax will contact you personally.
  7. Anyone who breaks the rules, or tries to cheat the contest at anytime, will be disqualified.
  8. click this link and inter your email
  9. than verifiy your emai and refer others

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