Thailand DABIT Exchange
Now, please exchange the various currencies in any place where Dabit Exchange is any time
It’s possible to exchange to USD, CNY, JPY, KRW, etc.
We provide bank virtual account and VISA card to all members of the world.
It’s possible to purchase coin by credit card.
In addition, it’s possible to deal by dollar, either market, and beat market.
In addition, it’s possible to deal by dollar, either market, and beat market.
Bank Virtual Account & VISA Card
The benefit that virtual account and credit card issued in bank can be possessed
is waiting for you now.
is waiting for you now.
This is the card with about 200 countries of the whole world.
Members possessing VISA Card can withdraw cash of the maximum 20 thousand dollars daily from ATM. * The amount is different by member grade.
It’s possible to transfer money without restrict among bank virtual accounts by mobile.
It’s possible to make a remittance and transfer money to virtual accounts from own affiliated bank account and it’s possible to transfer by each currency.
As BTC1 and BNC2 are installed in VISA Card, it’s possible to be used in any place of the whole world.
The existing electronic wallet is the software method to encode and store key information of individual or exchange office’s key in server hard disk, USB, etc..
However, this method is weak to hacking and needs to be improved.
Secuo WalletSecuo Wallet in hardware memories such as CPU, GPU, etc.
We adopts Secuo Wallet to Dabit international exchange office, combines strengths of software security and strengths of hardware security, strengthens security to higher stage, and establishes safe transaction for users.
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